It is Free !! - Japanese Kanji symbol design「
[Meaning of Kanji]
KAMI - God in Japan transmitted from ancient times.
There is worshiping the sun, the mountain, and the river, etc. as a god.
A large screen opens when "Thumbnail image" is clicked. <Use painting materials>
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Please do not contradict "Good public order and customs".
"Purpose of the profit-pursuing" is improper.
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T-KONI's Gallery at ZazzleT-KONI's Gallery at ImagekindT-KONI's Gallery at cafepress------------------------------------
<Free material> It is possible to use it free of charge.
T-KONI`s"Paper book jacket design"
It is possible to use it free of charge.
Download site of "Paper book jacket"」
How to make "Paper book jacket"」